Podporniki in gradbeni odri GBM:
predračuni in cene

Vas zanimajo cene izdelkov GBM?
V le nekaj minutah lahko izdelate brezplačni predračun.

Vodeni predračun

Ste gradbeno podjetje? Prodajate gradbeni material?
Z odgovorom na nekaj enostavnih vprašanj lahko v le nekaj sekundah zaprosite za brezplačni predračun.
Če želite, nas lahko tudi osebno pokličete (sales@gbmitaly.com - +39 030 9067005), da nam bolje predstavite vaše zahteve.


E-mail: sales@gbmitaly.com - Telefon: +39 030 9067005 - Whatsapp: +39 331 188 0953


BAUMA 2025 - 7-13 APRIL 2025

BAUMA 2025 - 7-13 APRIL 2025

GBM will be at "BAUMA 2025" in Munich - from 7 to 13 April 2025. Come and join us at the 150 stand - Hall B3. We are waiting for you!
GBM's shipbuilding scaffoldings

GBM's shipbuilding scaffoldings

Shipyards are complex and demanding environments, requiring specialised solutions such as GBM's shipbuilding scaffolding.
Props required to sustain a slab: guidelines on how to establish distances, classes and quantities.

Props required to sustain a slab: guidelines on how to establish distances, classes and quantities.

At what distance should the props for sustaining a slab be positioned? Which is the appropriate class? How many props do I need for an appropriate work? These are not trivia questions. Here is a guideline to help you get the right answers.


More than 100 accessories for props, scaffoldings, couplings, formworks and stacking pallets

Kontakti: informacije, cene in predračuni.

Bi želeli izvedeti več o izdelkih GBM? Vprašajte nas, kar želite!