Podporniki in gradbeni odri GBM:
predračuni in cene

Vas zanimajo cene izdelkov GBM?
V le nekaj minutah lahko izdelate brezplačni predračun.

Vodeni predračun

Ste gradbeno podjetje? Prodajate gradbeni material?
Z odgovorom na nekaj enostavnih vprašanj lahko v le nekaj sekundah zaprosite za brezplačni predračun.
Če želite, nas lahko tudi osebno pokličete (sales@gbmitaly.com - +39 030 9067005), da nam bolje predstavite vaše zahteve.


E-mail: sales@gbmitaly.com - Telefon: +39 030 9067005 - Whatsapp: +39 331 188 0953


GBM's shipbuilding scaffoldings

GBM's shipbuilding scaffoldings

Shipyards are complex and demanding environments, requiring specialised solutions such as GBM's shipbuilding scaffolding.
Props required to sustain a slab: guidelines on how to establish distances, classes and quantities.

Props required to sustain a slab: guidelines on how to establish distances, classes and quantities.

At what distance should the props for sustaining a slab be positioned? Which is the appropriate class? How many props do I need for an appropriate work? These are not trivia questions. Here is a guideline to help you get the right answers.
Multidirectional scaffolding GBM certified EN 17067:2013

Multidirectional scaffolding GBM certified EN 17067:2013

The ideal solution for the design and construc- tion of complex scaffolding


More than 100 accessories for props, scaffoldings, couplings, formworks and stacking pallets

Kontakti: informacije, cene in predračuni.

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