BAUMA 2022 delayed

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Bauma 2022 delayed

Bauma 2022, the thirty-third edition of the world's leading trade fair for the construction industry, has been postponed until autumn.

Messe München GmbH, the event's organiser, has announced the postponement of Bauma 2022 from April to the new date: 24-30 October 2022.

Klaus Dittrich, CEO of Messe München, said it was a difficult decision to make but the still uncertain global pandemic situation would have made it complicated to manage an event that attracts visitors from more than 200 countries around the world at each edition. The postponement to the end of October 2022 is expected to give both organisers and visitors more time to plan their participation in the exhibition.

BAUMA 2022

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GBM's shipbuilding scaffoldings

GBM's shipbuilding scaffoldings

Shipyards are complex and demanding environments, requiring specialised solutions such as GBM's shipbuilding scaffolding.


Descoperă programele dedicate construcțiilor
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100 de accesorii in plus Accesorii pentru popi metalici, accesorii pentru schele, cuplaje, accesorii pentru cofraje și containere

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