Shoring towers

The Shoring towers (or "propping towers") are modular structures capable of reaching 12 metres high. Ideal for working off the ground, guaranteeing safe, quick and simple operating conditions.


About Shoring towers

The "Shoring tower" (also referred to as "propping tower" ,”shoring tower”or "scaffolding tower") is a modular structure capable of reaching 12 metres high.

STS 100 is GBM standard Shoring tower model. This is GBM solution to problems faced by those working at the site off the ground. This solution simultaneously guarantees safety, quickness and ease of work as if done on the ground.

The Shoring tower is made up of frameworks and diagonals, assembled in a modular structure so as to reach the desired height between 2 and 12 metres, with intermediate heights every 0.50 m.

Using the STS 100 Shoring tower entails some major advantages when working at the site, including:

  • volumetric overall dimensions and lesser weight with respect to a fixed structure: the single components have low volume and packaging hence facilitating transportation to the worksite;
  • ease of planning: the small number of components enables obtaining a structure with wide range of variations, without requiring any planning step;
  • versatility to suit needs: starting from a basic ground structure measuring 1 x 1 m, one can set up the working plane at the desired height by varying the height of the adjustable base and fork;
  • ease of assembly and use: with just 5 different components, and due to the simple and safe mutual couplings, assembly is easy and quick at any height;
  • high loading capacity at any height with a 55.2 kn maximum capacity;
  • hot-dip galvanization makes the components robust and confers them a long useful life;
  • possibility to assemble directly in vertical position (with or without diagonals) directly ready for use, or in a position horizontal to the ground (with diagonals only) with vertical elevation to be carried out subsequently.
GBM Shoring towers or propping towers

GBM Shoring towers dimensions table

Torre di carico o torre di puntellazione GBM
Tower Height (m) Frame Diagonal Weight
1,75 - 2,30 4 4 117,00
2,25 - 2,80 6 6 136,70
2,75 - 3,30 8 8 156,40
3,25 - 3,80 10 10 176,10
3,75 - 4,30 12 12 195,80
4,25 - 4,80 14 14 215,50
4,75 - 5,30 16 16 235,20
5,25 - 5,80 18 18 254,90
5,75 - 6,30 20 20 274,60
6,25 - 6,80 22 22 294,30
6,75 - 7,30 24 24 314,00
7,25 - 7,80 26 26 333,70
7,75 - 8,30 28 28 353,40
8,25 - 8,80 30 30 373,10
8,75 - 9,30 32 32 392,80
9,25 - 9,80 34 34 412,50
9,75 - 10,30 36 36 432,20
10,25 - 10,80 38 38 451,90
10,75 - 11,30 40 40 471,60
11,25 - 11,80 42 42 491,30
11,75 - 12,30 44 44 511,00

GBM Shoring towers loads table

Tower Height (m) With diagonal (kN) Without diagonal (kN)
2,50 55,20 55,15
3,00 53,30 53,33
4,00 52,12 52,12
5,00 51,10 51,21
6,00 50,30 50,30
7,00 49,70 49,70
8,00 49,10 49,09
9,00 48,80 48,79
10,00 48,50 48,48
11,00 47,90 47,88
12,00 47,30 47,27

GBM STS100-L Shoring towers dimensions table

STS100-L GBM Shoring Tower
System Height (m) H20+H20+3Ply Wooden Panel= 0,42m Chassis and Frames H=0,50m End Frame H=0,50m Base Jack H=0,75m Max.H=0,50m Head Jack H=0,75m Max.H=0,50m Maximum Load (kN)
3,00 3,00-0,42=2,58 m 2 4 4 4 53,33
4,00 4,00-0,42=3,58 m 2 8 4 4 52,12
5,00 5,00-0,42=4,58 m 2 12 4 4 51,21
6,00 6,00-0,42=5,58 m 2 16 4 4 50,30
7,00 7,00-0,42=6,58 m 2 20 4 4 49,70
8,00 8,00-0,42=7,58 m 2 24 4 4 49,09
9,00 9,00-0,42=8,58 m 2 28 4 4 48,79
10,00 10,00-0,42=9,58 m 2 32 4 4 48,48
11,00 11,00-0,42=10,58 m 2 36 4 4 47,88
12,00 12,00-0,42=11,58 m 2 40 4 4 47,27

STS100-L GBM Towers' components


cm100+100 weight 19,50 kg
code BAS100-LA
cm120+100 weight 21,90 kg
code BAS100-LB


cm100+50 weight 6,70 kg
code TEL100-LA
cm120+50 weight 7,20 kg
code TEL100-LB

End Frame

End Frame
cm100+50 weight 7,20 kg
code TELT100-LA
cm120+50 weight 7,60 kg
code TELT100-LB

Jack base ø38

Jack base ø38
cm70 weight 3,10 kg
code PO28-LA
cm100 weight 4,30 kg
code PO28-LB

Head jack UB ø38

Head jack UB ø38
cm70 weight 3,60 kg
code FOR100-LA
cm100 weight 4,40 kg
code FOR100-LB

H20 Head jack ø38

H20 Head jack ø38
cm70 weight 7,30 kg
code FOR100-LC
cm100 weight 8,10 kg
code FOR100-LD

GBM STL Shoring towers dimensions table

GBM STL Shoring tower
System Height (m) H20+H20+3Ply Wooden Panel= 0,42m Frames 1,20m Frames 1,50m Frames 1,80m Diagonals Base jack extension (m) Head jack extension (m) Base jack height (m)Total frame height (m) System weight (kg) Maximum load (kN)
2,50 0,42 - - 2 2 0,140,14 0,701,80 91,6036,24
3,00 0,42 - - 2 2 0,390,39 0,701,80 91,6036,15
3,50 0,42 - - 2 2 0,640,64 1,001,80 100,0036,07
4,00 0,42 2 - 2 4 0,290,29 0,703,00 128,6034,01
4,50 0,42 2 - 2 4 0,540,54 1,003,00 137,0033,92
5,00 0,42 - - 4 4 0,490,49 1,003,60 150,0035,82
5,50 0,42 - - 4 4 0,740,74 1,003,60 150,0035,73
6,00 0,42 2 - 4 6 0,390,39 0,704,80 178,6034,33
6,50 0,42 - - 6 6 0,340,34 0,705,40 191,6035,57
7,00 0,42 - - 6 6 0,590,59 1,005,40 200,0035,48
7,50 0,42 2 - 6 8 0,240,24 0,706,60 228,6034,41
8,00 0,42 2 - 6 8 0,490,49 1,006,60 237,0034,32
8,50 0,42 - - 8 8 0,440,44 0,707,20 241,6035,23
9,00 0,42 - - 8 8 0,690,69 1,007,20 250,0035,15
9,50 0,42 2 - 8 10 0,340,34 0,708,40 278,6034,27
10,00 0,42 2 - 8 10 0,590,59 1,008,40 287,0034,19
10,50 0,42 - - 10 10 0,540,54 1,009,00 300,0034,89
11,00 0,42 4 - 8 12 0,490,49 1,009,60 324,0033,49
11,50 0,42 2 - 10 12 0,440,44 0,7010,20 328,6034,07
12,00 0,42 - - 12 12 0,390,39 0,7010,80 341,6034,64

STL GBM Towers' components

STL Frame 120/120

STL Frame 120/120
cm120/120 weight 14,30 kg
code STL120

Telaio STL 120/150

STL Frame 120/150
cm120/150 weight 16,20 kg
code STL150

STL Frame 120/180

STL Frame 120/180
cm120/180 weight 20,80 kg
code STL180

STL Diagonals

STL Diagonals
cm120/120 weight 3,30 kg
code DSTL120
cm120/150 weight 3,70 kg
code DSTL150
cm120/180 weight 4,20 kg
code DSTL180

STL Base jack ø38

STL Base Jack ø38
cm70 weight 3,10 kg
code BSTH070
cm100 weight 4,30 kg
code BSTH100

STL H20 Head jack ø38

STL H20 Head Jack ø38
cm 70 weight 7,30 kg
code FSTL070
cm 100 weight 8,30 kg
code FSTL100

STL H20 Head

STL H20 Head
weight 4,30 kg
code FHSTL01

Head H20 Coupler

Head H20 Coupler
weight 1,20 kg
code GSTL01

Girder Connector

Girder Connector
cm40 weight 0,50 kg
code CSTL01

Jack hook

Jack hook
weight 0,10 kg
code GSTL02

Scaffold connection ø48

Scaffold connection ø48
weight 0,30 kg
code CSTL02

Pin and split pin

Pin and split pin
cm10-65 weight 0,10 kg
code PSTL01

GBM STH Shoring towers dimensions table

GBM STH Shoring tower
System height (m) H20+H20+3Ply Wooden Panel= 0,42m Frames 1,20m Frames 1,50m Frames 1,80m Diagonals 1,2+1,5m Diagonals 1,5+1,5m Diagonals 1,8+1,5m Base jack ext. (m) Head jack ext. (m) Jack height (m)Total frame height (m) System weight (kg) Maximum load (kN)
2,50 0,42 - - 2 0 02 0,140,14 1,001,80 140,0050,67
3,00 0,42 - - 2 0 02 0,390,39 1,001,80 140,0050,66
3,50 0,42 - - 2 0 02 0,640,64 1,001,80 140,0050,44
4,00 0,42 2 - 2 2 02 0,290,29 1,003,00 196,4050,33
4,50 0,42 2 - 2 2 02 0,540,54 1,003,00 196,4050,22
5,00 0,42 - - 4 0 04 0,490,49 1,003,60 212,4050,11
5,50 0,42 - - 4 0 04 0,740,74 1,003,60 212,4050,00
6,00 0,42 2 - 4 2 04 0,390,39 1,004,80 268,8049,88
6,50 0,42 - - 6 0 06 0,340,34 1,005,40 284,8049,77
7,00 0,42 - - 6 0 06 0,590,59 1,005,40 284,8049,66
7,50 0,42 2 - 6 2 06 0,240,24 1,006,60 341,2049,55
8,00 0,42 2 - 6 2 06 0,490,49 1,006,60 341,2049,44
8,50 0,42 - - 8 0 08 0,440,44 1,007,20 357,2049,32
9,00 0,42 - - 8 0 08 0,690,69 1,007,20 357,2049,21
9,50 0,42 2 - 8 2 08 0,340,34 1,008,40 413,6049,10
10,00 0,42 2 - 8 2 08 0,590,59 1,008,40 413,6048,99
10,50 0,42 - - 10 0 010 0,540,54 1,009,00 429,6048,88
11,00 0,42 4 - 8 4 08 0,490,49 1,009,60 470,0048,76
11,50 0,42 2 - 10 2 010 0,440,44 1,0010,20 486,0048,65
12,00 0,42 - - 12 0 012 0,390,39 1,0010,80 520,0048,54

STH GBM Towers' components

STH Frame 150/110

STH Frame 150/110
cm150/110 weight 19,50 kg
code STH110A
cm150/110 weight 22,60 kg
code STH110B

STH Frame 150/150

STH Frame 150/150
cm150/150 weight 22,10 kg
code STH150A
cm150/150 weight 26,60 kg
code STH150B

STH Frame 150/180

STH Frame 150/180
cm150/180 weight 24.80 kg
code STH180A
cm150/180 weight 29,50 kg
code STH180B

STH Frame 150/200

STH Frame 150/200
cm150/200 weight 26.40 kg
code STH200A
cm150/200 weight 31,70 kg
code STH200B

STH Diagonals

STH Diagonals
cm110/100 weight 4,00 kg
code DSTH110A
cm110/150 weight 5,30 kg
code DSTH110B
cm110/200 weight 6,60 kg
code DSTH110C
cm110/250 weight 8,00 kg
code DSTH110D
cm150/100 weight 4,70 kg
code DSTH150A
cm150/150 weight 5,80 kg
code DSTH150B
cm150/200 weight 7,10 kg
code DSTH150C
cm150/250 weight 8,40 kg
code DSTH150D
cm180-200/100 weight 5,40 kg
code DSTH180A
cm180-200/150 weight 6,40 kg
code DSTH180B
cm180-200/200 weight 7,50 kg
code DSTH180C
cm180-200/250 weight 8,70 kg
code DSTH180D

STH Jack ø48

STH Jack ø48
cm80 weight 3,70 kg
code CSTH080
cm100 weight 4,80 kg
code CSTH100
cm120 weight 5,80 kg
code CSTH120

STH Base jack ø48

STH Base jack ø48
cm80 weight 4,75 kg
code BSTH080
cm100 weight 6,70 kg
code BSTH100
cm120 weight 7,70 kg
code BSTH120

STH H20 Head jack ø48

STH H20 Head jack ø48
cm80 weight 9,10 kg
code FSTH080
cm100 weight 10,20 kg
code FSTH100
cm120 weight 11,30 kg
code FSTH120

STH Head H20 ø48

STH Head H20 ø48
weight 4,30 kg
code FHSTH01

Head H20 coupler

Head H20 coupler
weight 1,20 kg
code GSTH01

Girder Connector

Girder Connector
cm40 weight 0,50 kg
code CSTH01

Jack hook

Jack hook
weight 0,10 kg
code GSTH02

Scaffold connection ø60

Scaffold connection ø60
weight 0,50 kg
code CSTH02

Pin and split pin

Pin and split pin
cm16-80 weight 0,15 kg
code PSTH01

Our worksites

Here are some examples of our construction sites. Click here to visit the complete gallery

GBM Shoring towers use and maintenance manual ("instructions booklet")

GBM Shoring towers use and maintenance manual ("instructions booklet") is a crucial instrument for the worksite operator. The instructions booklet instructs the operator on use and maintenance operations as well as perfect functionality thereof.

Download GBM STS100 Shoring towers use and maintenance manual ("instructions booklet") in pdf format (7 MB).

Download GBM STS100L, STL and STH Shoring towers use and maintenance manual ("instructions booklet") in pdf format (9 MB).

Content of the catalogue? Technical features of GBM propping towers: product description, components of the STS100 tower, verifications and checks on the components, assembly and use of the towers, general instructions, vertical assembly, horizontal assembly, releasing towers, cleaning and maintenance, capacity and displacements table, distribution diagram.

Download the illustrated assembly guide

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GBM - Building props catalogue

GBM Shoring Props: Data Sheet

GBM shoring prop specifications, data sheet & capacity tables: maximum extension, minimum extension, inner tube, outer tube, weight, compression... If you want to know it all, just...

Download the datasheet of our shoring props (PDF / 0.1 MB)

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